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The Baby Is Three Months.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 | 9:00 AM

Sweet baby Camille, the best part of the day is hearing you wake up so we can go get you from your crib. Your dad has really enjoyed being the one to walk in your room, crack the blinds, and creep up to your crib to whisper "Helloooooooo" -- you fix your gaze on his face and erupt in the largest crinkly-nose smile. It's the highlight of his day, and those mornings when I'm standing right behind him witnessing it, it's the highlight of mine, too.

I will always remember your third month as our most FUN month. I took 12 weeks off of work (not counting the two weeks of vacation days that I ended up taking prior to your birth) and that last month is when we really got out and explored the world together. You also started smiling a good bit and cooing, and that's enough to make any parent melt into a puddle of awe and love.

In our third month together, there were two main activities we added to our weekly schedule -- baby power hour at the Y on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (a time when I could get in a great one-hour workout with you right next to me in your stroller ... close enough to pop a paci back in and for me to sing Iggy Azalea to you as I did bicep curls), and storytime at the library on Thursdays. Babies only ... birth until walking age were welcome as a librarian read books, used hand puppets, and blew bubbles for you all. You would sit on my lap and see all of the other babies in their mommies' laps. I don't know if you knew what in the world was going on, but I do know it brought tears to my eyes each Thursday as I saw all of these loving moms singing "Open Shut Them" with their babes in their laps, helping their little hands make clapping motions.

(with Mama's friends Christina (top) and Allison and Mindy (bottom) and babes.)

During this month, you also met your great-grandparents, and boy was that a special moment for us to witness. You are so lucky, my dear, to have them in your life.

You are as alert as ever and starting to really give Mom and Dad big smiles when you see us. You also are really interested in our hands, and you love holding my fingers or my shirt while you eat. You like your daily time in your little gym, and we started getting more serious about tummy time. 

You had a big day visiting the pool with friends, and although you stayed on the sidelines, you definitely looked the part. Next year is going to be so much fun with you splashing around in the water.

Your Auntie Yaya came to town and spent some good time with you before we all went down to the lake together. The whole time she gave you your bottle, you stared in her eyes. It was the sweetest.

You had your third trip to our family lakehouse and wooed my mom's side of the family!

You are becoming quite vocal and making what we call your "monkey noises" and "walking dead noises" all the time. You have great control of your head now and you're building up your strength each day. Size one diapers still fit your little booty, and you are eating around 4.5-5 ounces at a time when you take a bottle. You are not much of a spitter-upper, but boy can you blow out a diaper. Sorry honey, but it's the truth. You are out of your newborn clothes and in 0-3 month clothes now.

Sleepwise, you typically can go from about 8pm until 3am or 4am, but there's no real rhyme or reason to your wakeups. Sometimes you surprise us with an earlier wakeup at 1am or 2am. And then several after. We are still figuring it all out.

You're a joy and a happy baby. Each day we fall more and more in love with your sweet self.

Look at how much you've grown and changed already!

Love you, dear baby.

Click here for Camille's one month update
Click here for Camille's two month update

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