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Week 38 Pregnancy Journal

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 | 7:31 AM

How Far Along? 38 weeks

Size of Baby: A leek (19.75 inches). Our baby weighs approximately 6.8 lbs now (just for a point of reference, I was 7.1 when I was born ... Ian was 7.11)

Gender: Our sweet little girl.

Weight Gain: Whooo-hoo, I finally got the weight gain I was looking for! I gained three, yes THREE pounds from last week's weight, so up a total of 19 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, or 22 pounds from my lowest pregnancy weight. Sweet relief to know baby is growing well!

Maternity Clothes: Heavens yes. Loving maxi dresses for the ease!

Nursery: We purchased and set up our baby monitor, hung art on the walls, and I ran one more load of baby laundry this weekend in Dreft detergent, which smells like a sweet newborn baby. Ian and Dad added a dimmer switch to her room so that we can keep the lights down low during late night feedings and diaper changes. I plan to share the nursery pictures next week and can't wait.

Movement: Like crazy. I hate to say it, but almost to the point of being uncomfortable now. Don't get me wrong, I still love it and I know that I'll miss it, but she is just so big now that when she moves around, I feel it all over. Gone are the days of the little flicks here and there. :)

Symptoms: According to everyone, I've "dropped" which means that it looks like baby is descending a bit. Also, a new one this week -- a stinging, burning sensation around my right side where her little foot sticks out. It stung so badly the first time it happened that I literally asked Ian to look at it and see if my skin was breaking open. Obviously, I knew that wasn't the case, but that is how it felt. The doctor today said it was quite common and nothing to worry about. Other than that, I've been quite tired for the past few days. It's my goal to be better about lights out at 10pm from now until she is here!

One more symptom to mention, which I've mentioned before but now it's at an all-time high: the belly skin sensitivity. Everyday motions like rinsing out a glass at the sink or brushing my teeth are pretty crummy because I hate it when my belly brushes up against anything at all. Ew.

Sleep: Dozing off well, and often waking up once to shuffle to the restroom. According to Ian, I've started snoring a little bit (I guess due to the extra weight?). So that is lovely. Oh, and isn't this cute either, we've added in a towel under my side of the bed just in case we have a water-breakage situation happening during the night. Wow ... are we really there yet?!

(update: after reading a few of the comments, just wanted to clarify that we do have a waterproof cover on our new mattress, and the towel is currently on top of that ... just to help "catch" any water, ha!)

Cravings: No major cravings, but enjoying smaller and more frequent meals (like grazing over apps) a lot more than large, heavy meals. Still thinking Honey Nut Cheerios each morning are the cat's meow.

What I Miss: Walking without getting bad lower back pain afterwards. Also, a cute big tummy with no pain -- now it just constantly feels like the skin is stretched to the limit. Sushi also sounds amazing!

Best Moment This Week: Having Mom and Dad in town for Easter. It was awesome. Mom doesn't get tired of me pulling out all of baby girl's clothes and accessories from the closet and showing them to her one-by-one. Also, I think we may have figured out what my dad's grandfather name is going to be. :)

Looking Forward To: BABY. I seriously can't wait for the labor experience (I might take back that statement later) and we just want to meet her, bad bad bad. Ian's even more ready than I am -- he would have us in the hospital tonight if he could. Still enjoying our couple time though as well as our quiet nights and mornings!

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