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Core Values

Written By Unknown on Monday, April 7, 2014 | 2:55 PM

Photo Cred: Meagan Abell

So today I'm sharing my core values with you guys!
I posted them one at a time last week on my Facebook page, but I wanted to do a post with them all together here on the blog.
This is something I've been wanting to do since the beginning of the year so it feels really good to finally have these all written out. It also has just helped me a lot already in staying more focused and motivated when I do any sort of work for my business, I only wish I'd made them sooner!

I've mentioned this before, but I figured I'd go ahead and share this again for you first time readers, I think it's really important to have core values.
Not just for your business, but for your personal life as well.
It helps remind you why you do what you do and keeps you motivated when things get crazy.
Mine end up encompassing a little of both my personal and work life.
Partly because what I do is so much a part of my life, and partly because I put so much of myself into my business and it really is an extension of who I am in so many ways.

They're a little lengthy, but hey, why not be as specific as I want to be, right?
So, without further ado...

// My Core Values // 

1. Do everything with Passion
Do my best in whatever situation I'm presented with. 
Stay tremendously interested in things. 
Above all point back to my creator in all that I do because He's the source of all things good. 

2. Be in a state of constant Exploration. 
Seek adventure not just in traveling. 
Challenge myself. 
Always be willing to learn new things. 
Observe the world around me. 

3. Love.
Fall in love with people. Their stories. Their uniqueness and individuality. Love them where they're at, wherever that might be. Fall in love with work. With what I get to do for work. With the process of things. 
Be in love with my life. 
And above all: Remember what love is

The simple. The routine. The ordinary. Because there's beauty in all of it. 
Live in a state of thankfulness. Have it be a part of my lifestyle, not just a list. 
Collect moments not things.

5. Create. 
Whether that's knitting a sweater, taking a photo, building a new relationship, or learning how to make really amazing guacamole. 
Make more. 
And in the making, don't be afraid of failure. 
Remember that no great thing is created suddenly. 

6. Dream fearlessly. 
Do not let the world's standards or definitions of what's possible define who I am, what I want to be or where I want to go. Have vision and drive for doing and being better. 
Never settle. Aim high. Go confidently. 

7. Inspire. 
Help others discover their dreams and passions by simply pursuing my own. 
Pursue excellence. 
Encourage and motivate others to be the best that they can be. 

8. Be Leney.
Authentic. Confident. Unique. Genuine. Whether that's the donut obsessed Leney, the avid picture taking Leney, the never not knitting Leney, the Leney who likes to dance to cheesy pop music or the Leney who likes getting on buses alone to find a new adventure at the other end. 
Remember that comparison is the thief of joy and to not let my vision of who I want to be obscure my view of who I actually am


What about you?
Do you have any core values? 
Whether they're personal, or for your own business, I'd love to hear them!

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