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Week 30 Pregnancy Journal

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 | 3:08 PM

How Far Along? 30 weeks

Size of Baby: A cabbage (15.7 inches). Baby weighs 2.75 lbs now!

Gender: Pink is overtaking the house. And we love it.

Weight Gain: No loss or gain this week. Still up a total of 13 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight -- but since I lost a few pounds in the first trimester, up 16 pounds total from my lowest pregnancy weight. Doc said this morning that my weight is on target and everything is measuring perfectly!

Maternity Clothes: Definitely. And sort of "over" buying new maternity clothes. Now that the end is in sight, I don't want to waste money on clothes I'll only wear for the next 10 weeks. I'd rather spend that money on clothes for Miss Priss!

Nursery: We bought the Ikea rug that I've had my heart set on, and it looks great in the room! My baby shower Sunday was amazing, and due to the sweet generosity of my friends and family, her nursery came together even more. The shower hostesses gifted me with the crib mattress, mattress pad, and a crib sheet, and that took the crib to a whole new level. It's a beautiful room!
Movement: All. The. Time.

Symptoms: This belly button is shallow, shallow, shallow. I'm still very comfortable and feeling good! No stretch marks to date, still loving my belly oils. She has the hiccups as I'm typing this, so that's a wild feeling.

Sleep: Sleeping well, and we finally got our new king bed, new mattress, new bedding -- no more mattress on the floor for this girl!

Cravings: Berries!

What I Miss: Ian had a few raw oysters when we were in Boca and MAN they looked amazing! Can't wait to devour some this fall!

Best Moment This Week: I received the awesome news Wednesday morning that my repeat glucose test was completely normal. Hallelujah, the perfect way to start off our babymoon! After arriving in Boca Raton that afternoon, we just made every moment count and ended up having one of the best vacations together. Lots of R&R -- I finished one book and started another one -- and some amazing meals together. The warm Florida weather was just what we needed!

Additionally, I can't not mention the breathtaking baby shower that was a true highlight of this past week. I'll be sharing details soon!

Looking Forward To: Everything about the next 10 weeks. I've really enjoyed being pregnant and truly can't wait to meet our little girl. Next up -- getting our classes scheduled! I'm looking forward to checking those off of the list.

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